Back from Lebanon

Today morning I arrived back home , My plane landed in Kuwait airport at 12:20 AM from Lebanon . Although my stay was for a couple of days to join the big family there , some went days before us and some been there since Ramadan ! ….

its been one fine short vacation ! As I mentioned before I already have seen alot of lebanon,  been vacationing alot there back in the 90’s but still I love to go there to get some fresh air that’s only if I stay away from the city and stay at my place in the mountains in a lovely season were most people are busy dealing with their little once to go back to school 😛 I was planning to post something about my short trip but let say I slept at 3:30am then came to work at 8pm 😛 so imagine how I’m doin right now 😉 it was an unplanned trip !! mom decided to go there so we were like Let’s go and join her !  its been along time since we had that big family gathering ! The different thing about this trip is my sister did  the airline reservations, the whole check in luggage process  at the airport with the guys help ( cousin and little brother ) I didn’t even carry my passport the whole trip ! 
 so I was enjoying my time really 😛 taking a rest 😛 since I’m always the guide in any friends or family trip 😉 

Sister you did amazing ya ktkoota :* and guys you are the best 😉

The year is almost over but my trips aren’t ! so wait and see more are coming up inshallah 😉 its just september is my month ! my Birthday is coming up soon ! the more I grow up the more my dreams come true and also grow bigger 😀 and that’s a bless I believe 😉 this year is different all the good things are raining on me alf el7mdellah ! because of you ! her and him 😛 you guys know who you are so thanks you are all what I need :*