How can you know If you are exposed to radiation ? radiation sickness can cause some pretty awful symptoms and often proves deadly.
1- Nausea and Vomiting : are typically the earliest symptoms of radiation sickness. The higher the dose of radiation, the sooner these symptoms appear. If someone starts to vomit one hour after exposure is likely to die ! |
2- Spontaneous Bleeding: from the nose, mouth, gums, and rectum. It can cause people to bruise easily and to bleed internally as well – and even to vomit blood. |
3- Bloody Diarrhea: Radiation sickness causes major irritation of the intestinal lining, resulting in severe and sometimes bloody diarrhea. |
4- Sloughing of Skin: Areas of skin exposed to radiation may turn blister and turn red – almost like a severe sunburn. In some cases open sores form. The skin may even slough off |
5- Hair Loss: Radiation damages hair follicles. As a result, people who get a big dose of radiation often lose their hair within two to three weeks. Sometimes the loss of hair is permanent. |
6- Severe Fatigue :Radiation sickness can cause people to feel weak and out of sorts – almost like having a bad version of the flu. It can dramatically reduce the number of red blood cells, causing anemia and and increased risk of fainting |
7- Mouth Ulcers: Radiation sickness can cause visible ulcers in or on the mouth. In addition, ulcers often form in the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. |
8– Infections: Along with red cells, radiation sickness can reduce the risk of infection-fighting white cells in the body. As a result, the risk of bacterial, viral, and fungal infections is heightened. |
Nice infooooooo's!!@@
scary !! alla la yblana
Bint ilkuwait : yep we need to know bs hopefully not to experience one day !
3teeja: e wallah 3sa allah e7afthna o e3eenhum 3la ma ebtalahum