Ymkn 3 times I go to Sultan Center o aqtheb hl luggage o aq3ad atmashah fiha 😛 I loved the color I loved the Brand ” American Tourister “ ! bs dashat qulbii and I wanted it so Bad ! From traveling I learned not to rush when it comes to buying new things in general … I can buy whatever I want anywhere I want but what is life if you get al in one time at one place right 😉 so I had that luggae set in mind for awhile o whenever I’m in sultan I tour up the area with that luggage and ask my friend how do I look 😛 imagining if I’m doing it at one international airport at one destination lool o my best friend N met7amlatnii until the last time we went ! I decided to go ahead and get the luggages ! why ? because I promised myself I’m not getting them unless a trip is on the way ! and yes it was for Dubai 😀 ofcourse I asked for help from my followers in twitter before I bought the luggages if someone is already using American Tourister ? and they experiences with that brand from Samsonite …and it seemed that everybody loved it and that what encouraged me to get one of those luggages ! 😉
The first time I fell in love with this color and it has one particular advantage which is ultra light tech ! y3ni aqdar asheelha eb9eb3een 😛 loved the color until I saw the other one
anyways when I went back for the last time the ultra light were sold out ! I was happy 😛 3shan ma a7taaar ayhi ashtiri o bqat el purple jdaami 😉
after checking that all zippers are Ok 🙂 I decided that those babies are going to be mine 😀
and yes indeed it was the smart choice 😉 the big luggage is for 32 KD and the small one is for 22KD at Sultan Center
well that was the last round with the luggages 😛 at sultan center lol on the day that I bought them 😉 did I mention that they have four wheels ? well jan6iti elawaliya kanat wayed old 🙂
the luggages are almost ready for their first trip ! but wait something is missing ! …..
well our driver did a great job, Thank you F !! he took my luggage to somewhere bil deera and got it back with a protecter case 🙂 the first trip with those new baies went perfectly ! kaaaaafi esmhum they belong to a brand name called AMERICAN tourister 😛 LOL and ofcourse its a quality luggage at a reasonable price !
Available at Sultan Center, Debenhams, and Lulu Hyper Market 🙂
shakelhom 5afefen o 3amaleyen 3alaych bil 3afia 🙂
adre hathah mala 5a9 bil post bas sheft these pics on this link below o tethakart your post on masyad il sheikh zayed allah yer7oma so i thought of sharing them with you 😉 http://www.storm.ae/vb/showthread.php?t=36627
Allah e3afeech dear 😀 ambeeeh el Masyad shakla eyanin blail !!!! waay lazem aroo7lah mrah o ashoof shkla blail ana qali elryaal eli yeshtghl ehnaak ena lazem zyara morning o other evening 🙁 waay mashallah el etha’aa o el flowers light nafs el naqsha eli dakhil ! piece of art !!! Thanks for sharing giggles !!! :*
plz aby as2al wain emghalfathom ??
as’aal our driver o adezlech email 😉 wla ehmch 🙂
i loved the purple! american touristerer are the best! my dad still has his american tourister before i was born!! still uses it and its in good shape
wow mashallah ! et9adqeen 7abeet.haa !! wayed 3maliya o sahlaa ts7beenha o el size ktkoot 😉 o eloon 3jeeb tlqe6eenha awal ma t6la3 3la el sair 😛